
We believe that it's important to stay current, not just by reading and studying, but also by writing and publishing. Here you can find out about our most recent books. For a full list of articles and chapters that we've written or contributed to, please get in touch.

Graphical Facilitation - Enabling Learning and Conversation Through Images

Graphical Facilitation - Enabling Learning and Conversation Through Images

Dr. Curie Scott and Dr. Steve Hutchinson

In Press - due for publication in late 2024

Innovative Assessment in Higher Education : A Handbook for Academic Practitioners (2nd Edition)

Innovative Assessment in Higher Education : A Handbook for Academic Practitioners (2nd Edition)

Cordelia Bryan and Karen Clegg
ISBN-13: ISBN-13: 978-1138581

Contextualising why assessment is still the single most important factor affecting student learning in higher education, this work offers a critical discourse about the value of assessment for learning alongside practical suggestions about how to enhance the student experience of assessment and feedback.

Steve Hutchinson contributed the chapter on Assessing Oral Presentations.

Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development

Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development

Kay Guccione and Steve Hutchinson
Emerald Education

Learning through dialogue brings a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect to colleagues, navigate professional demands, and meet the challenges posed by a turbulent world. Written for all who mentor or coach in universities, this book addresses a critical question: how can mentoring and coaching conversations be effective and accessible ways to support researcher and academic development?

Drawing on their wide range of experiences of coaching and mentoring, and designing and leading institutional programmes and policy, Guccione and Hutchinson provide an insight into the founding principles of reflective ethical practice, as well as a pragmatic and easy to navigate toolkit supporting you to understand the needs of the people you want to develop. Including bite-sized chapters packed full of applied solutions, the authors help you to design, re- design, or troubleshoot your mentoring or coaching approach, and offer up go-to guidance for building and enhancing a culture of developmental dialogue at the individual, programme and organisational level.


This is an astute, evidence-based handbook that’s enjoyable to read and very welcome for both professional staff and academics whose roles involve supporting scholars (emerging or established). The need for precisely this kind of flexible, savvy resource is high! Guccione and Hutchinson have extensive experience of the higher education sector and academic development, and their ability to synthesise complex ideas into clear, compelling guidance for practical strategies is gold.

Dr Tseen Khoo (The Research Whisperer) La Trobe University, Australia.

Guccione and Hutchison not only show that universities can provide solid support for their staff, but also that principled and well-grounded coaching and mentoring is integral to more equitable employment practices. Highly recommended.

Professor Pat Thomson, The University of Nottingham, UK.

Leading Innovation and Creativity in University Teaching: Implementing Change at the Programme Level

Leading Innovation and Creativity in University Teaching: Implementing Change at the Programme Level

Sam Nolan and Steve Hutchinson (Editors)
ISBN-10: 1032026367
ISBN-13: 978-1032026367

This book explores what it means to be an innovative leader of learning and teaching in higher education.

Providing practical tips and guidance to support those designing or redesigning higher education curricular, this book highlights approaches and solutions to leading change in learning and teaching. Covering all areas from an overview of external pressures, through to developing a vision and strategy for a programme, to classroom practice and sustainability, leading thinkers in the field of university learning and teaching share their experiences of driving and sustaining change in departmental practice.

With insights and case studies from international contributors, this book highlights key approaches and solutions to leading change in learning and teaching that are implementable. It will be key reading for all those teaching in higher education, but particularly for those interested in leadership roles.

53 Ways to Enhance Researcher Development

53 Ways to Enhance Researcher Development

Rob Daley, Kay Guccione and Steve Hutchinson
The Professional and Higher Partnership
ISBN-13: 978-1-907076-95-4

An edited collection of practical strategies and ideas designed to help researcher developers, supervisors and academics to enhance the practices and policies of researcher development.

Enhancing the Doctoral Experience: A Guide for Supervisors and their International Students

Enhancing the Doctoral Experience: A Guide for Supervisors and their International Students

Dr. Steve Hutchinson, Dr. Helen Lawrence and Dr. Dave Filipović-Carter
ISBN-13: 978-1-4094-5175-4

One of the major intangible benefits associated with the post-graduate research experience is precisely that: the experience. And more specifically, for an increasing number of international research students: the British doctoral experience. This experience is often largely defined and shaped by their relationship with, and support from, their supervisor.

Against a challenging background of growing numbers of students but also increasing pressures on time and costs, Enhancing the Doctoral Experience offers an approach to improve the effectiveness of the doctoral student and increase the professionalization of research supervision.

An endorsement from Prof. Tom McLeish, PVC Research, Durham University

This is a practical yet scholarly treatment in support of a vital but underrated academic relationship – that of doctoral supervisor and student. Although focussed on the needs of international students, its sage advice and helpful suggestions are more generally applicable. I wish I had been able to access such material when starting off as a new academic; I anticipate transformational effects when put into practice.

53 Interesting Ways to Communicate Your Research

53 Interesting Ways to Communicate Your Research

Irenee Daly and Aoife Brophy Haney
The Professional and Higher Partnership
ISBN-13: 978-1-907076-63-3

Effective researchers need both to conduct high-quality research and to communicate it in innovative and interesting ways. This book provides fresh, creative, ways of making the most of communication opportunities.

Steve Hutchinson contributed chapters on Creating Effective Networks and Research Posters - a graphical research connection.

Playing With Purpose: How Experiential Learning Can Be More Than A Game

Playing With Purpose: How Experiential Learning Can Be More Than A Game

Drs Steve Hutchinson and Helen Lawrence (Key Associate)
ISBN-10: 1409408051
ISBN-13: 978-1409408055

Playing with Purpose shows how a facilitator, coach, manager, people developer or trainer can invent or reinvigorate an artificial learning experience and make it so much more than a game. The authors look at a range of dilemmas, challenges and problems faced by anyone wanting to run memorable training sessions, classes and project meetings and then demonstrate how to get powerful lessons from the simplest of household and office objects and situations. The exercises and ideas outlined provide a focused examination of a range of training aims and outcomes including leadership, teamwork, communications, equality and diversity, feedback and personal effectiveness as well as general energisers, closers and problems to be solved. Steve Hutchinson and Helen Lawrence believe that seeing their sustainable, creative approach to experiential learning explicitly laid out, will give you the confidence to develop your own solutions.

The Postgraduate's Companion

The Postgraduate's Companion

Edited by Gerard Hall and Jo Longman
SAGE Publications Ltd.
ISBN-10: 141293026X
ISBN-13: 978-1412930260

The Postgraduate's Companion is the most comprehensive, practical and accessible source of support and guidance for anyone contemplating starting, or already undertaking, their research degree. Leading experts in their fields address the fundamental questions of what a research degree involves; how to choose the best institution; secure an offer; and fund your research degree. For students who are currently working towards a research degree the book deals with the process thoroughly, including coverage of: getting the most from the supervisory relationship; planning and writing the thesis; navigating and succeeding in research training; learning to teach in HE and balancing teaching and research; beating the blues and learning how to complete in good time; and, succeeding in the viva voce examination.

Dr. Steve Hutchinson wrote the Chapter "Beating the Research Blues"

Skills Training in Research Degree Programmes

Skills Training in Research Degree Programmes

Richard Hinchcliffe, Anthony Bromley and Steve Hutchinson
Open University Press
ISBN-10: 0335221483
ISBN-13: 978-0335221486

This book tells the story of the development of generic research skills training and its wide-ranging impact on the UK research degree. It provides a comprehensive coverage of skills training in research degree programmes in the UK, providing instructive, self-contained chapters that can serve as a resource to all academics, trainers, research administrators and senior management involved in the postgraduate research community.

Counter Intelligence

Counter Intelligence

Dr Steve Hutchinson and Dr Helen Lawrence (Key Associate)
RSVP Designs

Counter Intelligence is a group problem-solving exercise. It focuses on task supervision: establishing and controlling a process, giving clear instructions, asking for and summarising inputs and setting out next steps. However, it also deals with the way people use their values when they approach tasks. You can order a copy through RSVP Design.