Existing Clients

Existing Clients

Our existing HE and Research clients include:

Abertay University

Aberystwyth University

Bangor University

The University of Bath

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham City University

Brunel University

Cambridge University

Cardiff University

Cardiff Metropolitan University

City University, London

Dundee University

Durham University

Edinburgh University

Edinburgh BioDoc Society (UK)

Exeter University

The University of Glasgow

The University of Greenwich

Heriot Watt University

Huddersfield University

Imperial College London

King’s College London

Lancaster University

Leeds Metropolitan University

Leeds University

Leicester University

Liverpool University

London School of Economics

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Manchester University

Manchester Metropolitan University

Newcastle University

Northumbria University

Nottingham University

The Open University

Queens University, Belfast

Queen Mary, University of London

Roehampton University

Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Veterinary College

Salford University

School of Advanced Study - University of London

Sheffield University

Sheffield Hallam University

Southampton University

St Georges, University of London

The University Alliance

UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire)

University of Surrey

University of St Andrews

University of East Anglia

University of East London

University College London

University of Kent

Warwick University

Westminster University

Winchester University

University of York

Our speciality work with Business Schools includes:

Judge Business School (Cambridge)

Warwick University Business School

Durham Business School

Royal Docks Business School - London

Edinburgh University Business School

We've also worked with the following Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs) and International Training Networks (ITNs):


Advance (Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies)


AIMLAC (UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI, Machine Learning and Advanced Computing)

BEEP (Bio-inspired and Bionic materials for Enhanced Photosynthesis)


CANES (Cross Disciplinary Approaches to Non-Equilibrium Systems)



Cloud Computing for Big Data (CDT)

Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing (EPSRC)

DiMeN (Discovery Medicine North)

Doctoral Training Alliance

EAO (Earth Atmosphere Ocean)



GCRF (Global Challenges) CDT

GeoSpatial Systems

GLANAM (Glaciated North Atlantic Margins)





Indeed Network


Mission (Mid Infrared Silicon Photonic Sensors for Healthcare and Environment)




Manchester BMH DTP



Panorama DTC

PhotoVoltaics CDT

STFC Data Intensive Centre for Doctoral Training

Our corporate clients include:

Babraham Research Institute, Cambridge (UK)

Procter and Gamble

The Forestry Commission

CALA Building Group

CreativeWorks, London

AMRC Sheffield

Vincent Wildlife Trust

Sotheby's Institute of Art

Other selected clients include:

AFSEE - Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

UKRI - FLF Development Network

Gates Foundation - Cambridge

Priestly Scholars Programme

The Bloomsbury SET

ARMA - Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Cavendish Laboratories - Cambridge

The Leadership Foundation for HE (Dr. S. Hutchinson: Programme Director)

Vitae.ac.uk (Dr. S. Hutchinson : National Gradschool Director and Designer / Director of the first Leadership in Action Programme and Co-Designer of the Preparing for Leadership Programme)

HEA (STEM Consultant and Project Associate)

UK Polar Network

SRUK / CERU - Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK

Pocklington School - East Yorkshire

Coaching for Careers (C4C)

BON - Brain and Ocular Nutrition - Conference

The Healthy Lifespan Institute

Our work takes us abroad where, amongst others, we've worked with:

ComReg - (Commission for Communication Regulation - Republic of Ireland)

Galway ATU (Republic of Ireland)

GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research - Kiel, Germany

University of Ghana / University of Nairobi (Ghana / Kenya)

Irish Universities Training Network (Republic of Ireland)

Humane Technopole - Milan, Italy

Comunidad de Cientificos Espanoles en Dinamarca (Denmark)

ANLTC - Academic and National Library Cooperative (Republic of Ireland)

Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (Germany)

Università degli Studi di Torino (University of Turin - Italy)

Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental (Spain)

Conference Universaires de Suisse Occidentale (Switzerland)

CONUL - Consortium of National and University Libraries (Republic of Ireland)

Helmholtz Graduate Programme (Germany)

Dublin City University (Republic of Ireland)

Technological University Dublin (Republic of Ireland)

Waterford Institute of Technology (Republic of Ireland)